

(Travel has become a part of my artistic identity. Some travel to escape, I travel to live.)


GUATEMALA: A Culture Under Wraps

This trip, to say the least, changed me. Prior to Guatemala, I had no experience traveling abroad nor did I have the confidence to do so alone. I had heard stories from family and mass media outlets that convinced me the outside world was dangerous, that America, though plagued with death and deceit, was the safest place for us Americans.

I was told by many that it was foolish to believe that if I, a Black American, was treated poorly in America then why would I expect anything more internationally. I was told the horror stories of racism, pick pockets, kidnapping, extortion, and a plethora of other horrifying folk lore. I was also a bit scared having a language barrier that would make it harder to communicate and as a result, difficult to understand my surroundings. Both of these falsities are merely myths, and here’s why:

Tip 4:

Love, Respect & Authenticity Defy All Barriers

At the end of the day, we all are human beings, whom at our core, share the same desires. We all want to find love, whether family, friend or romantic. We all seek adventure, no matter what level our curiosities are bold enough to face. We all crave peace of mind, the pursuit of happiness. And most importantly, we all desire to learn from people that we believe we can relate to. It is these core values that make us all so alike.

Our innate desires, whether humane or animalistic, are what cause us to make the choices we do in our daily lives. Remembering this while on travel, makes communication that much easier. When speaking with locals, keep in mind that love, respect and authenticity will carry you a long way. There’s no better moment than trying to communicate something that would otherwise be such a simple task, with someone who doesn’t speak the same language as you; the laugh you share as a result is a great segue, use it wisely. Be kind, be compassionate and be careful.

Traveling through Guatemala was like a dream. I was used to seeing large building structures, modernized housing, super high ways and interstates but what I got driving through Guatemala was beautiful scenery, vibrant colors and vast landscapes that could take your breath away. I had previously only witnessed the celebration of past cultures while being here in America, cultures that we looked up to or memorialize but exploring Central America for the first time gave me tangible evidence of an indigenous culture that still thrives. What I learned was that culture, real traditions and sense of community never fade with time, they only grow stronger.

Tip 5:

Seek to Understand the Culture(s) You’re Exploring

Traveling to countries where the cost of living is cheaper, is a novelty than only 1st-world privilege can provide. When we arrive in these places, we have to understand that we are not the center of the universe as Americans. We are visitors, stepping foot into another person’s world. Therefore, we need to be respectful. This culture will exist with or without us and we must adapt to it rather than hinder it with our presence.