Storyteller : Father's Day
Good morning Shooters. This day is a day that many tend to overlook and disregard for one reason or another but I think it's important, especially in the Black community, to celebrate Fathers. It's important to hold high the image of the man that through demonstration of leadership and walking the path of his words has helped to raise a child to not only grow up but to grow up an independent thinker, to grow up a hard worker, to grow up a strong willed and not-easily influenced individual. So today, we do so.
First, I start with this man. The world's strongest. As far as my immediate influence, it starts with him because without him my Father wouldn't be in his position either. I've always been an observant person so most of the lessons I've learned have been from watching and implementing what I've observed. At 91, 40+ surgeries later, he still finds the will to stand strong and fight the inevitable til he no longer can. They say that every egative has a silver lining and one thing I'm learning from watching this experience is that nothing can stop a determined mind. When you were put on this earth for a purpose and you give your all to live that purpose, you can't transcend this lifetime until that purpose has been fulfilled. I give the happiest Father's Day wishes to this man.
"Always keep people around you that are smarter than yourself", wise words from this man. As children, we rarely understand the lessons that our parents try to instill in us mainly because our young minds can't process the full spectrum of reality but as I got older, everything said seemed to make the most sense. In retrospect, those lessons shaped the way I think today. All the analogies and metaphors have in turn allowed my mind to think in forms of poetry. All the calm observations have aided in a broadened perspective. All the wariness has created a greater sense of aptitude. And all the years of sports have instilled a love for the process and an understanding that perfect practice makes perfect. All these things I dreaded hearing as I was growing up, have shaped the mentality I carry with me everyday. The words, "Happy Father's Day" just don't seem like enough.