
How to Smoke Pot Properly


What a time to be alive! As I have covered a few times before, DC's cannabis community is a wonderful community to claim membership in. With each and every event, I continue to be amazed by what transpires next. 


This past Monday, Kramer Books in the DuPont Circle neighborhood, held a book signing for what seems to be the equivalent of the responsible stoner's guide to getting high. Writer and journalist for both High Times and Vice News, David Beinenstock, has created a landscape for those that use the the plant, whether medicinally or recreationally. David detailed a personal story in which he told the audience how he struggled with the embrassment of  not knowing how to properly roll a joint while working at High Times, an understandable secret, but this challenge turned out to be the inspiration for the book. The book provides incite on how to deal with perceptions, how to roll a joint, the differences between strains and so much more.


In attendance was Keith Stroup of DC Norml, a few other speakers (that I missed) and many of the usual suspects from the cannabis community. Keith Stroup being the legend in the cannabis community, shared how glad he is to see so much progress with laws and marijuana but we still have a ways to go. Until we are accepted Federally, we still have a lot to prove. At least for the moment, DC is recreationally legal. Now for other states to see our progress is super important, hopefully this will give more courage for legislation to be passed in other states around the country. Until then, DC keep smoking.


Written by : Yogi

Story provided by: Yogi