Black Dress Affair
There's something about the color black that gives off a sense of vulnerability, which is interesting since black has no transparency. Black is strong and bold but it holds on to it's burden of hiding that vulnerability. Like us as a people, we too are vulnerable. We too are sensitive. The tough exteriors that we put up, the passionate yet explosive temperament that we are often demonized for exhibiting are all signs of our quickness to hide that vulnerability. We are so used to being shoveled the bottom of the barrel that we snap back in hopes to elevate past it. #BlackLivesMatter is no summoning for war, it's a cry for help. A gasp for air translated as even though we may seem disposable because the media portrays us that way, we aren't. We are living beings, that just as much as a dog's life and a lion's life and white people's lives, we matter too.
~Life & Love
Model: Ro Taylor
Shot by: Yogi