I know what you're thinking, the title is a little strong and aggressive but it's fitting if you ask me. Immortal is an adjective at it's base, meaning:
living forever; never dying or decaying
I will say that I do not believe humans or the human body live forever but the ideas that we instill in those around us and the presence that we bring to these moments will carry on beyond our own expiration. The feeling that your presence gives to people is immortal. The same goes for photos. Capturing a moment in time is such an amazing gift to bear. Knowing that no other moment in history will be the same as the one that you are in. People try and replicate moments or recreate them but the funny thing about the present is that there is no going back to it. I was told once that the "past" and the "future" never truly exist, only the memory (the past) and the hope (the future) for a particular moment. And the more I shoot, the more I realize this to be fact. Once time has moved a particular moment beyond your present awareness, the thing that we're privileged to cherish are the ideas and photos of said moment, which is kind of a beautiful thing.
~Life & Love
Yoga Muse: Alex Hall
Shot by: Yogi