
Frenchie - Storyteller Sunday

Frenchie | DuPont Circle | War Veteran

If you've walked through DuPont Circle on any given day, I'm sure you've seen Frenchie. He is always out with his guitar, trying to "earn his way", as he put it plain in words. I noticed him this particular time more because I noticed the emblem on his jacket, Konfidential's past season release and was inspired to take his photo. While doing so I also got to know a little more about him, the guy I have seen multiple times.

The disturbing thing to me is how we simply forget people in this country. Frenchie was a war veteran and when he returned from serving his country, he was left with nothing. He has been homeless for the past 2 years and has been playing tunes at DuPont Circle fountain ever since. With the recent news of the authorities tearing down Tent City, DC is starting to really show how little they care for those that were once among us as peers. How does a "hero" like Frenchie come back into circulation and become homeless? The bigger question is, how do we prevent this from happening in the future?