Snow Angel
Often times, a door will shut and we'll think that means the opportunity is no longer available. The truth is, sometime the obstacles in our way at the current moment are what hold us back from greatness. Some of us are so close to achieving what it is that we sought out after but as soon as the obstacle presents itself, we give up, never to know how truly close we were. Fortunately, there's always a way around an obstacle. It might be having to take a couple steps back and taking a different route, it may be that we have to do something we might not have wanted and sometimes you just have to go through that obstacle. Whichever the case, we owe it to ourselves and our journey to progress past it because who's to say what we want isn't right on the other side of the door.
Muse: Chae (@lepaspicedome)
Stylist and Image Consultant / RealisticOverdose.Com
Shooter: Yogi
~Life & Love