Lowell Farms
Social Campaign
Your Smoke, Your Way
When we look at cannabis as herbal medicine, the reality that we all use it for different reasons becomes even more apparent. Your Smoke, Your Way is a way to express the feelings and emotions behind cannabis and the culture surrounding it.
posted by @LowellFarms
Lifestyle Campaign
Lost in the Trees
For a long time, the presumption has been that only certain kinds of people that smoke cannabis are worthy of fair treatment, that only the right kind of people deserved the peace that comes from the plant. The purpose of this shoot is to highlight the freedom that comes with cannabis and that the “RIGHT” kind of people are “ALL” people. We want to highlight that people of all backgrounds, of different experiences, can come together and share the gift that nature has given us all, the cannabis plant.
Concept Co-created: @JahnsChavez + @YogitheShooter
Styled & Conceptualized
by Yogi (@yogitheshooter)
Art Direction & Location
by Jahns Chavez (@jahnschavez)
Mintyce Sarae (@mintyce) of Kingsley Model&Talent & Monet Parker (@monetparker) of BICOASTAL MGMT