
Lust For Life, with MBM Swim

two-piece by mbm swim, heart top and desire bottom


One of my favorite things about working as a creative is the ability to build relationships and use that currency to enhance life as it comes.


Mintyce, being amazing at what she does, has cultivated great relationships through her career as a model. It’s in travel moments like our recent trip to Jamaica, where these relationships benefit most. As the phrase goes, “The universe has a way of aligning things at just the right moment, trust in the timing of your life”. So in true Taurus fashion, before every trip, Mintyce reaches out to her network to get new pieces to shoot in content, killing two birds with one stone.

If you’ve never heard of MBM, the brand is a small business in scale but has the presence and impact of a brand that has been around far beyond its years. Marcia is a powerhouse from the area, building her brand to its present allure with appearances all over major media platforms. For Mintyce, being from the area as well, MBM has been a brand she’s wanted to work with for a few years and the moment was actualized in such an amazing trip.

mintyce sarae in mbm swim, heart top and desire bottom


mintyce sarae in mbm swim, dawn one-piece