
My First "Influencer" Campaign

100 Years of Proven Performance #ThisSchickIsOriginal.jpg

It’s Official, I’m an Influencer!

Part of this artistic journey I’ve been on has not only been shooting content from behind the camera but also slowly incorporating myself in front of the camera as well.

Most people that know me, know I genuinely hate being the center of attention, in fact, there was a time in my shooting career where I contemplated wearing a mask (shoutout to @13thwitness & Mark - @4thxistate_) out of fear of being in front of the camera. Also in true-to-self fashion, anything that scares me attracts me, and fighting past the fear took some work. So for the past 2-3 years, I have forced myself to take photos, stepped in front of my own camera, and attempted to create content that mirrored the image I attempt to capture of the muses in front of my own.

To be fair, much of this blossoming is due to my peers and the people around me. Somehow, I always end up with photos when I hang around the shooters that I consider to be community. And much like everything else, my inspiration comes from the environment I exist in.

100 Years of Proven Performance #ThisSchickIsOriginal-2.jpg

So how did this campaign happen?

I’m not completely sure. “I wanna thank God for working way harder than Satan, he's playing favorites. It feels amazing”. Some opportunities in life we just stumble upon.

I got connected to an influencer agency via Instagram. This company reached out to me after finding me on the gram and encouraged that I sign up for their influencer program. Once I signed up, it was a go from there.

What I can say, is that ever since my road trip across the US (content coming SOON), I seem to only be walking in alignment. Every conversation an echo of the previous, every opportunity an actualization of a manifestation, every idea a gateway to the next. More of that to come.

If I’m being honest…

Schick was not a brand I have ever used prior. In fact, I probably wouldn’t have without this campaign falling in my lap but every step is part of the journey.

I’m much more interested in brands with a story and a message, brands that understand and actually put in work towards the community I hold dear. In any right, I’m grateful for the opportunity to add to my portfolio and am excited to see what else I can add to my body of work as a whole.