
Idle/Angle Series Pt. 2


The long-awaited Part deux to the Idle/Angle series has now arrived. I'm very proud of the series for a few reasons, one in particular being that the quality of the images and the expression through them is seamless but most importantly I can say that I am honestly proud that I was able to actually complete it. The problem I have often, as well as other artists that I speak to regularly, is keeping the same energy from inception to completion. It is so easy to get discouraged throughout the process and loose interest as a result but the mental fortitude needed to complete a vision is definitely an uphill battle. 

I think as artists, we set the bar so high in our heads for the end product to be so close to perfection but as the process intensifies, it's often hard to maintain that same optimism, something I'm learning to let go of. That unrealistic expectation is a setup for failure. What would be a more grounded approach wold be to consciously aim for the stars but remain understanding of the fact that we individually only have so much control, especially when working with a team. It is imperative to allow for artistic expression with your team members and remain trusting of the people you chose to utilize. 

The team on this project was amazing in every aspect; ideation, brainstorming & execution. Eden killed it as usual, Chinenye executed the make-up to perfection, & Jaz came-thru with the fire silky pink monochromatic fit. This is a team you will be seeing a lot of more in time to come but for now, enjoy the hell out of this set, share it with your friends & just appreciate the art of it. For all those that missed it the first time, this series' purpose is to play with the juxtaposition of the belief that an angel is a divine, heavenly being in contrast with the idea that angels are among us, roaming this world. The series exists in 3 parts, each using a different angel and offering a different perspective of how these angels exist in this world.