WIP (Work In Progress) — RespectheShooter


WIP (Work In Progress)

11 . 21 . 2016

Lately I have been feeling a bit disconnected from my art, almost as if I've been working on autopilot for the past few months; my inspiration has been fleeting and so has my focus, making it difficult to enjoy the product I have put out. I've been searching for more and can't quite put my finger on what, exactly. But these last couple shoots seem to have sparked something inside me again, something that I feel I have been missing in the creation process, space. We often forget that though we may not be hurt or in pain currently, that we always need space to cleanse our palates. Self-evaluation is an important part of progression, which is a process we should be continually checking into. We are all works in progress until we are able to transcend inter-dimensionaly into our final forms. 

Just a reminder to keep track of yourself in your journey through life. Often times we find our paths but loose what's really important. 

This set, I met up with Jaffy to explore this abandoned house. As the story goes, the house began construction approx. 10 years ago but due to insufficient funding, had to cease where it lay. From the outside, the house looked perfectly fine, but inside all that remains is an abandoned WIP.  

Follow Jaffy on Instagram at : @xjaffy
And comment below to tell us what you liked or disliked about the shoot.